Welcome to a Better Way

Change the Way You See Things…
Deep down, you suspect that following the crowd will only get you so far—a quick glance around reveals that in an effort to “keep up,” far too many of us are either barely treading water or slowly sinking beneath the weight of expectations.

There is a better way. And you already have the blueprints to build and follow that path. The challenge is to clarify and confidently implement those plans, especially when they fly in the face of a world encouraging you to just “keep calm and carry on.” This strength, to turn obstacles into opportunities, can be found in a simple shift of perspective.

…And the Things You See Will Change

Brian Reinthaler is a career and life coach who helps lawyers and other professionals in transition to design plans and implement them based not on what they are “supposed to do,” but on their genuine values and desires. He empowers clients to take charge of their lives and careers, and keeps them accountable and moving toward where they want to be.                                                [text]

Are you ready to start getting more of what you want from your career and your life?

  • Feeling pressure to bring in new clients and not sure where to start? What if the process was simpler than you ever imagined?
  • Facing a career transition, but can’t figure out next steps? Want to create a world where opportunities find you?
  • Returning to the workforce after a leave to raise kids or care for an aging parent?How would it feel to have a step-by-step plan to get you there?
  • Wishing you had more time with your kids or spouse? What would it mean to be able to align your work with the life you want to live?

These are just a few of the successes our clients have achieved. Here is what they have to say about working with Brian.

Want to find out how Brian could help you? Contact us here and Brian will reply within 24 hours to schedule a free, no-strings-attached, informational call. Also be sure to review our standard coaching programs and other services. Help us design a partnership that’s just right for you.